Thursday, April 28, 2011

What do we need?

As I am reading and re-reading King Lear, I am reminded of the question Dr. Sexson asked a few weeks ago: what do you need? If I had answered then, I probably would have said more time to do homework. However, many things have happened since this question was first asked. The biggest one being that my aunt got deployed to Afghanistan. This made me realize how much can change with one meeting. She met with her "boss" and was told she had three weeks to pack and say good bye to her family. Three weeks. That is merely a blink in the continuum of time. Nothing. How do you say goodbye to your husband? To your children?
This made me realize that all I need is my family. I need to slow down and take the time to appreciate them. Appreciate all they have done for me, and all the ways they have been there to support me.
As I presented my paper, James asked what echos of Lear were present in my life? My answer is still the same... He is the model of what I hope never to be. Not only because he goes mad, but because he loses sight of what is important in life. He measures in quantity. I want to measure in quality. One night of homemade popcorn on the couch with my mom drinking white wine, means more to me than anything. If something happened to a family member, I would not regret a single moment. I do my very best to be there when I can. I love with my whole heart, and that is all you can do.
I do not want you all to think that I am a saint or that I have the perfect family. I don't. But I do treasure the time I have with them. The good and the bad. This is where Lear's tragedy begins.

And my tragedy of writing this paper begins too....

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