Monday, April 25, 2011

Praise for Presentations 4/21

Great work everyone on your paper presentations! I thought it was interesting how many people talked about love in their papers. I was expecting something more dry, like how myth plays a role in _______ pick a play. But because everyone added some personality and passion to their papers they all sound extraordinary.
I especially enjoyed Roberto's piece on Caliban and Smerdyakov. He did a great job comparing the two characters, that at first do not seem to go together. But when you add myth and creativity, the connection is obvious. Great work!
Amanda's paper I have already given praise to in another post, but I need to do it again. You did such a great job making your argument clear, and using plenty of examples. It was great to hear, and I hope you post your paper in its entirety.
For both rappers: I commend you. There is no way in hell I could do that. Never. But you both pulled it off excellently. I would love to see the actual rap, if either of you have it. Jamie, I loved how you related it to teaching. I always wonder how to make Shakespeare exciting for students and I think you accomplished that in your presentation. It was epic.
Everyone did an outstanding job! I am excited to hear more!

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