Thursday, April 28, 2011


Everyone did a fantastic job in their presentations these last few days. I wish we had more time to talk about what everyone wrote about because they were all such interesting topics.
Shelby's and Nathan's paper topics were excellent. I never thought someone could fit so much theory into one 5 page paper. I still need to read these papers, but I have a feeling that when I do read them in their entirety, I will be even more excited about what they are discussing. Theory is so important in literary studies, but until this semester I have not had to apply it in so many classes. It is astonishing how much information there is and how well it all flows together. Great work guys!
I also really enjoyed everyone who brought myths that we did not discuss in class, into the Shakespeare plays. I did not make the connection between Iago and Prometheus, or between The Tempest and Andromedea (sp?). But with the arguments you brought in, the connection is perfectly clear. Lauren made the connection even more prominent by using the pictures to illustrate the direct links. It was entertaining and informative listening to these presentations.
I must commend Jenny as well. Singing in front of a class would be terrifying, yet she went up and belted it out today. It was a pleasure to listen to her beautiful voice. I also really enjoyed her first paragraph of her paper. I too, was enchanted by Raleigh and his pearls, and I'm glad that she carried the idea throughout the class.
There are many many others that I should be writing on here, but alas... it is time for me to write one last farewell and head to work.

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