Monday, April 25, 2011

King Lear: To watch, or not?

It was while reading King Lear that I discovered something odd about myself. I hate watching tragedy on TV, but I love to read it. My favorite Shakespeare plays are Macbeth and King Lear. Both are terribly tragic, and one is tragically sad. My heart aches for Lear throughout this play. And Macbeth's demise to insanity keeps me interested the whole time. The images that Shakespeare evokes throughout his plays, and especially his tragedies are amazing. Although we only read the dialogue and monologues, we can feel the pain of these characters.

King Lear has some of the most well-rounded characters. I love Kent and his loyalty, and I despise Reagan and Goneril. I want to see their demise, because all of the events are so full of emotion. This whole play is filled with tragic lines, that are spoken with true beauty. I have never seen King Lear performed, and I'm not sure if I would want to. I have my own image of the characters. What they look like, how they act. And I want to keep it that way. But I am interested to see if I still loved the play if I actually had to see Glouscter's eyes getting plucked out. That is the part in movies I hate. All the gory-grossness. But I love the passion that can only exist when life has taken a turn for the very worst, and characters must depend on each other in ways they never thought they would.
I guess that is one part of tragedy that is enjoyable. You see the true character of people. Kent is a true and good man through and through. After Lear banishes him, he disguises himself and stays with him throughout it all. Many people say that Cordelia is the essence of good, but I cannot agree to that, when we do not get to see her throughout most of the play. She is loyal and honest, and she must sacrifice her home, but she is not seen doing what Kent must do to prove his loyalty. Even when Lear has died, he goes to join his master in the after life. It gives me chills just thinking about it.
I love this play and I need to read it over and over again to fully understand it all, but I'm willing to take on the challenge. It may take me some time to watch the movie version... I just do not want it ruined for me.

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